Transform Your Relationships, Show Up Together!

Say Goodbye to Criticism, Arguing, and Resentment and Hello to Positive Conflict, Healthy Boundaries and Lasting Love!

Sign up today or schedule a call with an ADHD specialist.

A 9-week program beginning on Apr 8th, 2025. Live sessions are at 12:00pm PST.


Join the Community and Learn from this Neuropsychologist and Entrepreneurial Duo
Claire Sira, PhD and Tom Hudock

You'll learn everything you need to know about positive conflict resolution, setting healthy boundaries, and establishing expectations with your partner.

Dr. Claire, a neuropsychologist, and Tom, her entrepreneurial partner, who both have ADHD, bring their years of experience and expertise to help you transform your relationships. They've been where you are, and they know what works.

And for a more immersive experience, you'll get 5 weeks of group coaching sessions led by Dr. Claire and Tom!

Join a community of like-minded ADHD adults and learn from the best. No more criticism, arguing, and resentment. Show up for yourself and your relationships with Showing Up Together.

As Attended By Folks Like This

Showing Up, Together Explained

Dr. Claire Sira, Neuropsychologist

Relationships involving ADHD often break down in 3 stages:

Meeting you is thrilling. You're creative, fun, and unique. Your charm dazzles the other person, and they soon commit to you.


This is the first sign of trouble in your relationship:

You start receiving criticism for not showing up as an equal partner (and for your ADHD traits that annoy your non-ADHD partner). Equally, because you feel misunderstood, you criticize them for lacking empathy, being overbearing, neurotic, or straight-up annoying.

...after your dopamine inevitably spikes back down, you find it hard to stay on top of normal everyday stuff so the following happens:

This criticism builds up leading to constant conflict:

Your ADHD behaviour triggers blame from your partner, who consequentially triggers a defensive reaction from you because they don't know how hard it is for you to do the stuff they take for granted, and while every relationship has arguments, ADHD makes the conflict more frequent and intense.

Unresolved conflict leads to hurt at a deep level:

The repetitive arguments create bitterness and resentment grows on both sides. Subsequent break-ups and serious problems result from the imbalance of responsibility as one person is over-functioning, and one is under-functioning.


The antidote is simple:


Understanding both yours, and your partner's individual needs is the first step to avoiding unhelpful criticism.

Once you understand how ADHD negatively affects your behaviour and you take responsibility for your part within a relationship, you can overcome it from a progressive place, versus a combative place.

We teach you to have the courage of a lion's heart to honestly assess the value of your contributions to ensure you're not under or over-functioning.

Turn toxic arguments into positive conflict

Arguments should produce healthy outcomes (which only happens once you both know where you're coming from).

We install a method to pause arguments and ensure the outcome is mutually beneficial before they escalate and cause damage.

Establish healthy boundaries and expectations

Resentment builds when expectations are not met…

…but how are you supposed to meet expectations you're not aware of?

That's why we teach you to set clear and firm expectations to create a relationship frame from which to operate.

Same goes for personal boundaries, so you both respect each other’s space.

Sign up today or schedule a call with an ADHD specialist.

A 9-week program beginning on Apr 8th, 2025.


Once you accept and recognise these 3 causes, they become easy to spot.

And once you begin spotting them, you now have something for the first time ever.

That something is awareness.

Awareness that both you and your partner have flaws.

And when you combine this awareness with the new skills and techniques you’ve learned… suddenly feel more in control.

With control, you now have choice.

Choice to have a good or bad relationship...

Or choice to remain single.

It's up to you.

Because you finally get to dictate the outcome of your own love life.

Of your own emotional wellbeing:

Instead you get productive conversations.

Because, productive conversations lead to mutual respect.

So you can get back to elevating each other into the best version of yourselves…

…which is the reason you fell in love in the first place.

No more avoidance due to fear of pain.

No more being dictated to.

No more being blamed.

No more being parented by your partner.

We used the same method to stop damaging our own relationships:

Hi, I'm Dr. Claire Sira... One of the coaches of Showing Up Together:

As an expert in neuropsychology who also lives with ADHD, I have a unique perspective on how ADHD can get in the way of performing to our highest potential. As a practicing psychologist, I also appreciate how difficult it is for adults with ADHD traits to access accurate information about their symptoms.

Hi, I'm Tom Hudock...The other coach:

I'm a business coach, (specializing in educational programs), and the founder of Be The Boss Of Your Brain. We have helped hundreds of adults improve their lives better by teaching them how their ADHD brain works, and the necessary management skills, so they can enjoy their relationship with others, and themselves more efficiently. I also started an inquiry-based middle school where student ideas and passions were translated into educational curriculum.

Sign up today or schedule a call with an ADHD specialist.

A 9-week program beginning on Apr 8th, 2025.


You can schedule a free call to find out how the Relationship group coaching can help you

...if you're an adult with ADHD:

✅ In a long term relationship or starting a new one

✅ Having conflict in family relationships

✅ Finding your relationships being held back by frustratingly repetitive behaviour and habits

✅ Wanting to improve for next time

❌ Wanting a quick fix

❌ Hoping things will change on their own

❌ Wanting someone else to make all the changes

❌ Unwilling or unable to share and participate with the group


And not:

Then SUT will help you to:

✅ Build more self awareness and understanding of yourself

✅ Become aware of where you went wrong in the past

✅ Be more committed to improving your relationship skills for your own benefit

✅ Work with your ADHD traits to improve how you connect with people

✅ Feel empowered going forward that ADHD does not have to damage your relationships


❌ Leaving you alone to guess the answers

❌ Shaming and blaming you

❌ Everybody just complaining about their problems, like in support groups

By giving you

✅ Practical advice broken into 9 easy-to-follow units which you can immediately start using in your life

✅ Lifelong skills you can apply to any close, intimate relationship

Delivered via:

✅ x10 powerful coaching calls spread over 5 weeks

✅ x9 detailed bonus videos providing further explanation to each unit

(in addition to the coaching calls)

✅ Highly useful worksheets and downloadable PDFs accompanying each unit to help visually map out your progress and document your new skills

✅ x1 Expert PhD psychologist with personal experience of how ADHD affects relationships

✅ x1 Highly experienced education coach with personal experience of how ADHD affects relationships

Which you won't pay...

Unless you're ready...


We know how much suffering ADHD causes relationships when left unnadressed....


We want to speak with you first...

To guarentee we can help you...

If we can't...

We will recommend alternative solutions...


If you can relate to what we’re saying so far...

You're likely in the same boat as similar adults who have joined us...

Adults who knew there was something holding them back...

Some invisible reason they couldn’t quite show up in their relationships the way they wanted to…

Adults who, since working with us, have a new way of problem solving...

Because they now have awareness and skills about their emotional wellbeing, themselves, and how to live better with ADHD.

Showing Up Together costs $697

Because it was developed from our own lived experience with genuine heart, integrity, and relevance ...

...we want you to be an equal partner in your relationships.

Sign up today or schedule a call with an ADHD specialist.

A 9-week program beginning on Apr 8th, 2025.


Join Us Today

Program begins April 8th, 2025. Live sessions are at 12:00pm PST.

Have any questions?


Do I need skills when I already have medication?

Medication can help improve sustained attention and reduce distractibility for adults with ADHD, but it doesn’t help us figure out what to pay attention to. To improve attention control and executive functioning skills, you need to develop new skills, strategies, and habits.

How do I know this program works?

The techniques and skills taught and coached are based in psychological research by a psychologist who specializes in ADHD and who lives with ADHD. It’s not someone reading a few books on ADHD and wanting to coach people. This is PhD level education interpreted for practical learning by adults.

I don’t know if I have enough time for this. What is the time commitment?

We want you to find this super helpful so we’ve chunked this up into manageable pieces. You can go as fast or slow as you like. The more you put into this, the more you get out of it. If you don’t want to put an hour per week into growing yourself, this course may not be for you.

What if I don't like the program or Claire or Tom?

That's possible. Unlikely, but possible. And if this isn't for you after you start the program and give it a chance for 2 weeks, then with "No-Questions-Asked", you'll get a full refund. And we can still be friends after.