Unravel the Mystery:
Is ADHD Part of Your Story?

Do you ever feel like your brain is a whirlwind of activity? Struggle to focus on tasks, no matter how hard you try? These could be signs of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). ADHD is a common neurodevelopmental condition that affects millions of people of all ages. It can manifest in difficulty with focus, organization, and impulsivity.

An ADHD assessment can provide valuable insights into your experiences and pave the way for a more fulfilling life. Adults are being assessed in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, and even 60s. A mid-life diagnosis is common these days.

Ready To Start One?

We have a referral list of psychologists who specialize in ADHD. Begin with our pre-assessment tool (no charge) and you'll be sent the psychologists in your area.

Why Seek an ADHD Assessment?

Understanding yourself is the first step towards positive change. An assessment can help you:

  • Confirm a diagnosis: Find out if ADHD is truly the root of your challenges.

  • Understand your unique profile: Discover the specific ways ADHD affects you.

  • Navigate life with confidence: Make informed decisions about work, education, and relationships.

  • Access support and accommodations: Get the specific support you need at work and school.

person using MacBook Pro and holding cappuccino
person using MacBook Pro and holding cappuccino
Types of Assessments and Who Can Help

What you want as the final outcome of your assessment will guide the type of assessment you need. Depending on how the assessment results will be used, the type, duration, and cost of the assessment will vary.

compare ADHD assessment professionalscompare ADHD assessment professionals
Basic Screening

Identify potential ADHD and determine if further evaluation is needed.


In-depth evaluation including interviews, questionnaires, and potentially cognitive testing.


ADHD assessments can be completed by a few different health professionals. You can select from: Family doctor (GP), Nurse Practitioner, Psychiatrist, or Psychologist.

The depth of your assessment will usually be lowest with the family doctor and nurse practitioner. A psychiatrist and psychologist will do a longer interview. A psychologist might also have you complete a number of questionnaires or measures of your cognitive and academic skills.

Preparing for Your Assessment

The better prepared you are, the more accurate and helpful your assessment will be:

  • Clarify your goals: What do you hope to gain from the assessment? Are you looking for accommodations from work? Is this exploratory to help improve your life?

  • Gather information: Gather your school report cards (especially from elementary school) and any previous psychological evaluations you may have undergone.

  • Reflect on your experiences: Note specific examples of ADHD-related challenges, such as, feelings of overwhelm, when you're easily distracted, how often you procrastinate on tasks. Please prepare to discuss information about past and ongoing medications and substance use behaviors as part of the assessment process.

  • Identify an informant: Consider who could provide insights into your childhood experiences. This could be a parent or caregiver, or even a childhood friend's parent who knew you well.

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brown and white concrete building
Worth Noting:

If your parent (or other informant) does not think you have ADHD, that doesn’t mean your assessor will agree with them. Some clients worry that an informant could “bias” the results. An experienced assessor will understand that informants may have their own biases, and the assessor should be able to evaluate all of the assessment information in an objective manner.

What to Expect During the Assessment

Assessments typically involve:

  1. History Taking: A practitioner should want to know your in-depth past, so they can provide an accurate assessment.

  2. Questionnaires: Standardized tools provided freely by practitioners to gather information about your behavior and experiences. These tools help the clinician gather standardized information that contributes to the assessment process.

  3. Interviews: In-depth conversations with a clinician to explore your history and current challenges. These can range from 20 mins for a Basic Screening to 3 hours for a Comprehensive evaluation. These conversations will cover your personal history, developmental milestones, academic or work performance, and current symptoms.

  4. Cognitive testing (optional): Assessments of attention, memory, and problem-solving skills may be administered. These tests can evaluate attention, memory, problem-solving abilities, and other aspects of cognitive functioning. If you are being assessed for a learning disorder, you will also complete tests of your academic skills.

man in white crew neck shirt wearing black sunglasses
man in white crew neck shirt wearing black sunglasses
After the Assessment: Empowering Your Journey

If ADHD is diagnosed, you'll receive personalized recommendations and next steps. This could include:

  • Medication options: Explore if medication could help manage your symptoms.

  • ADHD coaching: Develop practical strategies and coping mechanisms.

  • Therapy: Address any emotional or psychological concerns.

If you are diagnosed with ADHD or another condition, this can affect you in both positive and negative ways.

Potential positive impacts of a diagnosis: You can speak to a physician about medication options and you can learn more about ADHD coaching resources to increase your functioning and quality of life.

Potential negative impacts of these diagnoses: You might feel stigmatized by the diagnostic label, and may experience a certain amount of worry regarding how this will affect you and your loved ones in the future. You might also experience grief from the delay in getting a diagnosis.

Remember: An ADHD diagnosis is not a limitation, but an opportunity for growth. With the right tools and support, you can harness your unique strengths and create a life that truly fulfills you.

man and woman holding hands
man and woman holding hands
Ready To Start One?

We have a referral list of psychologists who specialize in ADHD. Begin with our pre-assessment tool (no charge) and you'll be sent the psychologists in your area and embark on a path of self-discovery and empowerment.