Receive ADHD assessment referrals from us.

Join our network of licensed psychologists to receive detailed referrals for diagnostic assessment.

Referrals with Confidence

Our network of psychologists are licensed professionals who have excelled at assessing clients for ADHD. By joining this network, you show a desire to follow an evidence-based diagnostic process and make the most of the tools we provide.

Licensed Practitioners

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Developed From Over 15 Years Of Neuropsychological Assessments

Hi fellow practitioners. I'm Dr. Claire Sira, neuropsychologist and co-founder of ADHD For Life.

My waitlist for ADHD assessments keeps growing and we are asked regularly by our coaching members how to get an assessment.

But we can't keep up to the demand, so we created this network of psychology professionals to share in the load and help these people gain knowledge, be heard, and find relief.

To better assess them, I ask my clients to complete my comprehensive history forms and take a battery of ADHD and related questionnaires. I've developed these history forms over 15 years of neuropsychology assessments.

In fact, clients spend a fair bit of time typing in their history into our Clinical Intelligence platform, HyperFocus. This has given me such invaluable insight and background about their education, substance use, trauma history, and more.

And I would like you to have access to these insights too.

So, any referrals you receive from us will have the history forms and questionnaires already completed and scored for your review. Then when you begin your assessment process, you will have a significant chunk of their history readily available to go deeper with during your interview.

I hope you consider this a warm hand-off from us to you, as you take on this new client.

You'll receive more details when you sign up. I hope you'll join the network to help assess these individuals.

Take care,
Dr. Claire Sira, Registered Psychologist

Find out what makes our network stand out

Join a Professional Network

Join our network of providers who provide ADHD assessments to adults in Canada, Australia, USA & UK

Access To Our Waitlist

Get access to our ADHD For Life clients who are seeking an ADHD assessment

Client History Provided

Clients complete comprehensive history forms and mental/behavioural health questionnaires prior to enrolment.

No Referral Fees

We don’t charge a fee for referrals with a subscription to the HyperFocus platform.

Frequently Asked Questions

What qualifications do I need to join?

You must be a licensed psychologist, family doctor, or psychiatrist and able to provide ADHD assessments in your jurisdiction.

How does the referral process work?

Once you join our network, we will send you client referrals based on your jurisdiction. When someone is a match, you are sent an invite and given access to the client's pre-assessment materials. You then decide whether to accept the referral and begin your assessment process.

Why are there no fees?

We charge no fee for the referral. When you are sent a referral, you are invited to view the client information through our Clinical Intelligence tool, HyperFocus. If you were to use the Report Writing and Auto-Summarizer, there would be an option to sign up for a monthly plan.

What are the History Forms?

The History Forms were developed over 15 years by Dr. Claire Sira, as she completed thousands of neuropsychological and ADHD assessments. They gather background information on Early Childhood, Family of Origin, Education and Occupation, Major Life Events, Psychiatric and Medical History, Medications and Substance Use, etc.

What are the Questionnaires?

The questionnaires in HyperFocus are research based tools that are publicly available. We have expanded them by automatically scoring the tests and adding interpreted results provided by our expert psychologists. You won't have to score or look up the research again.